
Просмотр полной версии : Нужна помощь в переводе статьи

11.11.2014, 22:49
В США прошёл крупный митинг против педоистерии.

“You have already succeeded,” says advocate
by sandy • November 10, 2014 • 0 Comments

Texas Voices for Reason and Justice, along with six other advocacy and activist organizations, gathered in Austin at the Capitol November 7 for a rally for criminal justice. Over 500 were in attendance with at least 100 being Texas Voices members.

The highlight of the rally was this speech given by Texas Voices’ founder and one of our first RSOL affiliate leaders, Mary Sue Molner.

-I speak not for myself but for those without a voice… those who have been unnecessarily labeled for life. Currently, there are approximately 85,000 Texans listed on the public sex offender registry including children as young as 12 years old. The majority of registrants are not the dangerous monsters that they have been portrayed to be. They are our sons, our daughters, our husbands. Current laws that paint all registrants with one broad brush are counter-productive, wasteful, and cause needless harm. Laws and policies originally created to protect children have evolved into a modern day witch-hunt.

We stand united, facing the huge responsibility to change Texas into a state of humanity, common sense, redemption, and, most of all, justice.

Justice is not served by laws that ostracize and dehumanize entire families.
Justice is not served by punishing people long after their sentences are completed.
Justice is not served by laws that promote homelessness and unemployment for people with criminal histories.
Justice is not served by creating an atmosphere of hatred and fear.

What has been created is a class of individuals that have been demonized and treated in such a way that a meaningful reintegration into society is impossible. Passing laws that are tough but counter-productive won’t solve the problem.

Continue to raise your voices for truth, honesty, compassion, common sense, and justice.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you won’t succeed in your advocacy work to create a better tomorrow. If your words and actions have created hope for the hopeless, strength for the weak, and light for those who live in darkness, you have already succeeded.

Good things come to those who wait… greater things come to those who get off their butts and do something to make it happen.


11.11.2014, 22:53
Автоматические переводы не предлагайте :mrgreen:


11.11.2014, 23:18
В США пуританские – клерофашистские выродки настолько Ох..ели, что стали арестовывать мужчин за неправильное с точки зрения их "ублюдочных" законов мочеиспускание. То есть без вездесущих агентов ФБР уже и поссать нельзя! И вот это, вот эти законы и порядки нам протаскивают в Российскую Федерацию такие деятели как Виталий Милонов, Анна Левченко, Елена Мизулина. Вот это и есть та самая американская полиция нравов.



12.11.2014, 02:15
В США пуританские – клерофашистские выродки настолько Ох..ели, что стали арестовывать мужчин за неправильное с точки зрения их "ублюдочных" законов мочеиспускание...
Всё это хорошо, но статью надо перевести. Опять я, всегда я?

12.11.2014, 18:26
Ну кто силён в английском :?

12.11.2014, 18:28


13.11.2014, 11:58
Я переводчик по профессии. Еще нужен перевод?

13.11.2014, 12:07
Лично я в этом вопросе не Копенгаген.

13.11.2014, 14:20
Я переводчик по профессии. Еще нужен перевод?
Да, если не очень трудно Вам. Бесплатно. :)

15.11.2014, 02:40
Перевод всё еще нужен. Ждём... :cry:

19.11.2014, 05:30
Еще статья, вроде бы достойная перевода:

Let girls wear Primark's padded bikinis
Young girls suffer enough shame and harassment as they deal with their sexuality without Mumsnet's puritanical crusade

Кто поможет?